JCL i-FUND Personal Financing

Pelanggan yang dihormati,

Are you looking for Shariah Compliant Financing?
We are glad to introduce our new product, JCL i-FUND Personal Financing, with profit margin of 18%-20% (subject to JCL approval). What are you waiting for, click https://jcl.my/i-fund-online-application/ to apply now!


  1. Tawarruq concept.
  2. Fast Approval.
  3. Convenience – no more walk-in for signing agreement.
  4. Early Settlement Fee.
  5. Simple & Easy.


  1. Warganegara Malaysia sahaja.
  2. Berumur 18 hingga 60 tahun.
  3. Minimum pendapatan kasar sebanyak RM 1,000.00 diperlukan.
  4. Open to residents of Klang Valley, Penang, Johor, Ipoh, Kedah and Kelantan.
  5. Pembiayaan minimum adalah sebanyak RM 1,000.00 sehingga maksimum RM 50,000.00.

Thank You & Good Day Ahead Everyone.