To all JCL customers,
Kindly be informed that JCL Ipoh branch contact number 05-2468000 is facing interruption of TM services. Ipoh customers can directly contact the Ipoh branch WhatsApp number 0182011654.
We would like to send our sincere apologies with regards to this matter.
Please be assured that we are working to resolve this issue to avoid the same occurrence in the future.
Kehadapan pelanggan JCL,
Sila ambil maklum bahawa nombor telefon cawangan JCL Ipoh kami 05-2468000 menghadapi gangguan perkhidmatan TM. Anda boleh hubungi cawangan JCL Ipoh melalui Whatsapp kami di 0182011654.
Kami memohon maaf diatas sebarang kesulitan yang timbul akibat permasalahan ini.
Kami akan sedaya upaya menyelesaikan isu ini untuk mengelakkan isu yang sama terjadi pada masa hadapan.
Terima kasih.
JCL Credit Leasing Sdn Bhd.

Published by jadmin Last updated 10 Mar 2021