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What is the minimum down payment for a hire purchase (HP)?
The minimum down payment for an HP is 10% of the cash price.
Who can be the customer’s emergency contact person?
Parents. Siblings. Relatives. Spouse.
For the self-employed, what documents are needed to apply?
The documents required for a credit sale loan application are: Identity card. Three (3) months of personal bank statements. Six (6) months of company bank statements. Full set of SSM […]
I am an existing JCL customer. Can I apply for a credit sale?
Yes, but some terms and conditions will apply.
Can I apply for two phones at the same time?
Yes, but some terms and conditions will apply.
What should I do if I wish to cancel my application?
You should contact your dealer if you intend to cancel your application.
How should I enquire about my application status?
You can follow up with your dealer for enquiries about your application.
How do I apply for a JCL loan?
You will have to contact one of our panel dealers in order to apply for a loan to purchase their products.
Does JCL accept second-hand products?
No, JCL only accepts applications for new products only.
What are the available loan tenures?
For mobile phones and electrical appliances: 12, 24, and 36 months. For motorcycles: 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months.
Is there anyone who is ineligible to apply for a loan?
Self-employed with a business period of less than six (6) months. Company employee with less than three (3) months of working period. Applicant or spouse that works in the army.
Who is eligible for a loan application?
Malaysian citizens only. Aged between 18 and 60 years old. Basic salary must be at least RM 1,000.