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How do I apply to become a merchant for JCL?
You should contact the JCL representative responsible for merchants in your region. Please refer to this list for contact information to begin the application process.
What products are eligible for the credit sale?
All products covered under the law of credit sales will be considered for JCL loans.
Are there any types of customers that will be automatically rejected?
Customers working in the army are not eligible for JCL loans.
What are the documents required to become one of JCL’s merchants?
Latest two (2) years financial statements. Latest six (6) months of bank statements. Latest SSM registration certificate. Copy of identity card (IC) of all directors.
What are the available loan tenures?
For mobile phones and electrical appliances: 12, 24, and 36 months. For motorcycles: 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months.
What types of products does JCL financing cover?
We are currently providing credit facility service to the products as stated below: Mobile phones. Electrical appliances. Motorcycles. Motorcycle accessories. Furniture.