What is DirectDebit (e-Mandate)?
e-Mandate is a financial technology developed by Paynet, also known as DirectDebit. It’s main purpose is to assist our customers in having a faster, cheaper, more efficient platform to make loan repayments.
How can you benefit from registering for DirectDebit (e-Mandate) with JCL?
1) Eliminate the possibility of late penalty charges
The loan repayment process with JCL is automated. Therefore, your loan repayment will be made on time without lapsing the due date.
2) No Hassle & Saves Time
Paperless registration from anywhere & anytime within 5 minutes to completion. Just login to the JCL Registration portal at https://jcl.my/mandate-form/
3) Fast Approval
Approval within 3 days upon bank confirmation.
4) Keeps you informed
Your bank will notify you for the payment debited from your individual bank account.

Published by jadmin Last updated 18 Nov 2020